Rugged & Durable.
©Leading Edge Group Inc.

The Leading Edge Group, Inc. series of machines are perfect for replicating villages for training or for reconstruction. Self-contained, easily-sustained, environmentally-friendly and ballistically-tested, their sheer simplicity is amazing. I can’t believe someone hasn’t thought of this before.” — MAJOR GENERAL, U.S. ARMY (RET)

Our ability to replicate the environments that they’re going to fae is great, but our soldiers and leaders need to know that there’s not going to be any scimping on giving them the tools they need to succeeed.” — GENERAL GEORGE WILLIAM CASEY, CHIEF OF STAFF, U.S. ARMY

“This could eliminate most, if not all, of our need to purchase and transport conventional building materials required to construct training facilities in extremely remote areas. Represents a tremendous cost savings over cement and steel.”— COMMANDER, U.S. ARMY URBAN TRAINING CENTER

“The fact that this equipment can roll into an aircraft, be helicopter lifted, and towed by our existing fleet, offers the Army tactical flexibility and an unbelievable logistic advantage.”— MAJOR, U.S. ARMY SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND

“I was amazed at how well your compressed soil block wall stood up to an assault from a .50 cal weapon. Viable protective solution.”— DPTMS, U.S. ARMY

“Your soil blocks don’t introduce any materials to our facility other than native soil. The high costs associated with the removal and disposition of concrete blocks has been a real issue here. The environmental folks at our installation love your equipment.”— ITAM COORDINATOR, U.S. ARMY

“This equipment is a stand alone system and can be performing mission critical operations within minutes after arrival on site.”— LIEUTENANT COLONEL, U.S MARINE CORPS

“The use of this innovative equipment could change the way we currently do business.”— MAJOR, U.S. MARINE CORPS ENGINEER SCHOOL

“I’m thoroughly convinced that this equipment could save soldiers lives if it were in the hands of our combat troops right now.”— LIEUTENANT COLONEL, U.S. AIR FORCE

“I see a number of uses for this product in a wide range of reconstruction and humanitarian relief efforts.”— ENGINEER, U.S. ARMY