Rugged & Durable.
©Leading Edge Group Inc.
Ballistic Tests
We have the following written reports available upon request. Both reports were performed by the Mechanical and Materials Engineering Division, Ballistics and Explosive Section of a nationally recognized, independent research and development laboratory. Please contact us to request a copy.
REPORT #1:.50cal Ballistic Test
REPORT #2:.50cal & 20mm FSP Ballistic Test

In hostile and combat environments all over the world, there is a growing need to construct inexpensive, durable structures that can be erected very quickly that will protect the inhabitants and structures, from bullet and projectile penetrations. In order to illustrate the effectiveness of Leading Edge Group, Inc. compressed soil blocks to meet this critical need, we constructed a twelve foot (12′) in length by seven foot (7′) high soil block wall to demonstrate the blocks capacity to absorb projectiles, shrapnel, and other exploding objects.

Enclosed are a series of photos taken before and after the live fire demonstration